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 DownloadLight Weight Materials Easily In PDF Format For Free.

DownloadLight Weight Materials Easily In PDF Format For Free.


We would like to present the book Light Weight Materials: Processing and Characterization. In the automotive industry, the need to reduce vehicle weight has led to extensive research efforts to develop aluminum and magnesium alloys for structural car body parts. In aerospace, the move towards composite airframe structures has led to an increased use of formable titanium alloys. 

All of the above-mentioned materials can be categorized into a group called “lightweight materials”. The distinguishing feature of lightweight materials is their low densities, ranging from as low as 0.80 g/cm 3 for unfilled polymers to as high as 4.5 g/cm 3 for titanium

Although the density of titanium is higher than that of unfilled polymers, it is significantly lighter than metals: alloy steel (7.86 g/cm 3 ) and superalloys (7.8–9.4 g/cm 3 ). In a nutshell, lightweight materials exhibit a wide range of properties and therefore offer a wide range of applications. 

This book primarily aims to provide researchers and students with an overview of the recent advancements in the processing, manufacturing and characterization of lightweight materials, which promises increased flexibility in manufacturing in tandem with mass communication, improved productivity and better quality.

 It has a collection of chapters contributed by eminent researchers who focus on the topics associated with lightweight materials, including the current buzzword composite materials.

 This book provides the recent advancements in the processing, manufacturing and characterization of lightweight materials and hence would be a panacea in all areas of lightweight materials.

 This book has two major objectives. Firstly its chapters by eminent researchers in the field enlighten readers about the current status of the subject. Secondly, as the densities vary a lot so do the applications ranging from automobile, aviation to bio-mechatronics; hence, this book would serve as an excellent guideline for people in all of these fields. 
